Higher Calories Benefits Hip Replacement Recovery


Tight Calorie Control in geriatric patients following hip fracture decreases complications: a randomized, controlled study.

Optimizing nutritional intake has been recommended for geriatric patients undergoing hip-fracture surgery. Whether nutritional support guided by repeated measurements of resting energy requirements (REE) improves outcomes in these patients is not known.
A randomized, controlled, unblinded, prospective, cohort study comparing provision of energy with a goal determined by repeated REE measurements using indirect calorimetry, with no intervention. Oral nutritional supplements were started 24 h after surgery and the amount adjusted to make up the difference between energy received from hospital food and measured energy expenditure.
50 Geriatric patients were included in the study. Patients in the intervention group (n = 22) received significantly higher daily energy intake than the control group (n = 28) (1121.3 ± 299.0 vs. 777.1 ± 301.2 kcal, p = 0.001). This was associated with a significantly less negative cumulative energy balance (-1229.9 ± 1763 vs. -4975.5 ± 4368 kcal, p = 0.001). A significant negative correlation was found between the cumulative energy balance and total complication rate (r = -0.417, p = 0.003) as well as for length of hospital stay (r = -0.282, p = 0.049).
We have demonstrated that nutritional support actively supervised by a dietician and guided by repeated measurements of REE was achievable and improved outcomes in geriatric patients following surgery for hip fractures.

Anbar R, Beloosesky Y, Cohen J, Madar Z…
Clin Nutr Feb 2014
PMID: 23642400