Category Archives: Diet

Oleuropein (from Olives) Increases Osteoblasts In Vitro


Oleuropein enhances osteoblastogenesis and inhibits adipogenesis: the effect on differentiation in stem cells derived from bone marrow.

The effects of oleuropein on the processes of osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human bone marrow have been studied. We report that oleuropein, a polyphenol abundant in olive tree products, reduces the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), inhibits adipocyte differentiation, and enhances differentiation into osteoblast.
Age-related bone loss is associated with osteoblast insufficiency during continuous bone remodeling. It has been suggested that the formation of osteoblasts in bone marrow is closely associated with adipogenesis, and age-related changes in this relationship could be responsible for the progressive adiposity of bone marrow which occurs with osteoporosis. In addition, the consumption of oleuropein, a major polyphenol in olive leaves and olive oil, has been associated with a reduction in bone loss.
We have analyzed the effects of oleuropein-at concentrations between 10(-6) and 10(-4) M-on the processes of osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis in MSCs from human bone marrow.
The results show an increase in osteoblast differentiation and a decrease in adipocyte differentiation when there is oleuropein in the culture media. The gene expression of osteoblastogenesis markers, RUNXII, osterix, collagen type I, osteocalcin, or alkaline phosphatase (ALP), was higher in osteoblast-induced oleuropein-treated cells. Also, the ALP activity and extracellular matrix mineralization were higher when oleuropein was present in the media. Oleuropein in MSCs induced adipocytes to produce a decrease in the expression of the genes involved in adipogenesis, the PPARγ, lipoprotein lipase, or fatty acid-binding protein 4, and minor fat accumulation.
Our data suggest that oleuropein, highly abundant in olive tree products included in the traditional Mediterranean diet, could prevent age-related bone loss and osteoporosis.

Santiago-Mora R, Casado-Díaz A, De Castro MD, Quesada-Gómez JM
Osteoporos Int Feb 2011
PMID: 20495905

Olive Oil Mitigates Osteoporosis in Rats


Olive oil effectively mitigates ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats.

Osteoporosis, a reduction in bone mineral density, represents the most common metabolic bone disease. Postmenopausal women are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis when their production of estrogen declines. For these women, fracture is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. This study was conducted to evaluate the protective effects of olive oil supplementation against osteoporosis in ovariectomized (OVX) rats.
We studied adult female Wistar rats aged 12-14 months, divided into three groups: sham-operated control (SHAM), ovariectomized (OVX), and ovariectomized rats supplemented with extravirgin olive oil (Olive-OVX) orally for 12 weeks; 4 weeks before ovariectomy and 8 weeks after. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected. Plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), malondialdehyde (MDA), and nitrates were assayed. Specimens from both the tibia and the liver were processed for light microscopic examination. Histomorphometric analysis of the tibia was also performed.
The OVX-rats showed a significant decrease in plasma calcium levels, and a significant increase in plasma ALP, MDA, and nitrates levels. These changes were attenuated by olive oil supplementation in the Olive-OVX rats. Light microscopic examination of the tibia of the OVX rats revealed a significant decrease in the cortical bone thickness (CBT) and the trabecular bone thickness (TBT). In addition, there was a significant increase in the osteoclast number denoting bone resorption. In the Olive-OVX rats these parameters were markedly improved as compared to the OVX group. Examination of the liver specimens revealed mononuclear cellular infiltration in the portal areas in the OVX-rats which was not detected in the Olive-OVX rats.
Olive oil effectively mitigated ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats, and is a promising candidate for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

Saleh NK, Saleh HA
BMC Complement Altern Med 2011
PMID: 21294895 | Free Full Text

Fish, Olive Oil, and Low Red Meat Preserve Bone in Greek Women


Association between dietary patterns and indices of bone mass in a sample of Mediterranean women.

A holistic dietary approach, examining the effect of dietary patterns in terms of chronic disease prevention and treatment, continuously gains more attention and may elucidate the association between diet and bone health. In the present study we examined whether adherence to a Mediterranean diet or other dietary patterns has any significant impact on indices of bone mass.
Two hundred twenty adult Greek women were recruited. Lumbar spine bone mineral density and total body bone mineral content were determined by using dual x-ray absorptiometry. Food intake was assessed using 3-d food records and adherence to the Mediterranean diet was evaluated through a Mediterranean diet score. Principal components analysis was used for the identification of participants’ dietary patterns.
Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was not found to have any significant effect on indices of bone mass. Principal components analysis identified 10 dietary patterns explaining 80% of the variance in food intake. A pattern characterized by high consumption of fish and olive oil and low intake of red meat was positively associated with lumbar spine bone mineral density (P = 0.017) and total body bone mineral content (P = 0.048), after controlling for several confounders.
Adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern was not associated with indices of bone mass in a sample of adult women, whereas adherence to a dietary pattern close to the Mediterranean diet, i.e., high consumption of fish and olive oil and low red meat intake, was positively related to bone mass, suggesting potential bone-preserving properties of this pattern throughout adult life.

Kontogianni MD, Melistas L, Yannakoulia M, Malagaris I…
Nutrition Feb 2009
PMID: 18849146

Tyrosol and Hydroxytyrosol (from Olive Oil) Prevent Osteopenia in Rats


Major phenolic compounds in olive oil modulate bone loss in an ovariectomy/inflammation experimental model.

This study was conducted to determine whether the daily consumption for 84 days of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol, the main olive oil phenolic compounds, and olive oil mill wastewater (OMWW), a byproduct of olive oil production, rich in micronutrients, may improve bone loss in ovariectomized rats (an experimental model of postmenopausal osteoporosis) and in ovariectomized rats with granulomatosis inflammation (a model set up for senile osteoporosis). As expected, an induced chronic inflammation provoked further bone loss at total, metaphyseal, and diaphyseal sites in ovariectomized rats. Tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol prevented this osteopenia by increasing bone formation ( p < 0.05), probably because of their antioxidant properties. The two doses of OMWW extracts had the same protective effect on bone ( p < 0.05), whereas OMWW did not reverse established osteopenia. In conclusion, polyphenol consumption seems to be an interesting way to prevent bone loss.

Puel C, Mardon J, Agalias A, Davicco MJ…
J. Agric. Food Chem. Oct 2008
PMID: 18800805

Black Olives (not Green) Prevent Bone Loss in Rats


Black Lucques olives prevented bone loss caused by ovariectomy and talc granulomatosis in rats.

This study was conducted to determine whether olive fruits, rich in micronutrients, might improve bone loss in ovariectomized (OVX) rats (an experimental model of postmenopausal osteoporosis) and in OVX rats with granulomatosis inflammation (a model of senile osteoporosis). Six-month-old Wistar female rats underwent ovariectomy and were then immediately treated orally by substituting oil in the diet by 10 g/d green Lucques olives or 6 g/d black Lucques olives for each rat for 84 days. OVX rats and sham-operated controls received the same diet with oil. Three weeks before the end of the experiment, subcutaneous inflammation was provoked by injections of sterile magnesium silicate in half the animals in each group. In OVX rats, granulomatosis inflammation, characterized by a rise in inflammatory parameters such as fibrinogen, alpha1-acid glycoprotein, spleen weight and granulocyte level, and an impairment of oxidative status (as shown by a decrease in plasma antioxidant capacity, a higher rate of isoprostane excretion) elicited a bone loss in the whole femur and in the metaphyseal areas considered on their own. Whereas green olives had no effect on osteopenia, consumption of the black variety prevented bone loss in the whole femur and at cortical sites in those oestrogen-deficient animals with talc inflammation (diaphyseal bone mineral density: black olives and inflammation 0-2323 (SE 0.0026) v. ovariectomy and inflammation 0.2117 (SE 0.0030); P=0.027). This bone-sparing effect seemed to result from an improvement in the inflammatory and oxidative status. The present data show that black olives are able to prevent bone loss in an experimental model of senile osteoporosis (oestrogen-deficient rats in which a low-grade inflammation was induced by talc injection).

Puel C, Mardon J, Kati-Coulibaly S, Davicco MJ…
Br. J. Nutr. May 2007
PMID: 17408530

Every Dose of Oleuropein Protective in Rats


Dose-response study of effect of oleuropein, an olive oil polyphenol, in an ovariectomy/inflammation experimental model of bone loss in the rat.

This study was carried out to assess the dose-dependent bone-sparing effect of oleuropein, an olive oil phenolic compound with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, on bone loss induced by talc granulomatosis in oestrogen-deficient rat.
Among 98 rats, 20 were sham-operated (SH) while the others (78) were ovariectomised (OVX). The SH and 26 OVX rats (controls) were given a standard diet for 100 days. The 52 remaining OVX rats were allocated to 4 groups that received oleuropein at 2.5, 5, 10 or 15 mg/kg body weight per day for 100 days. Three weeks before necropsy, an inflammation was induced by subcutaneous injections of talc in half of the SH and OVX rats and in all oleuropein-treated animals.
Castration was associated with a decreased bone mineral density (BMD). In OVX rats, inflammation, characterised by an increase of the spleen weight and plasma fibrinogen levels, exacerbated this bone loss, as shown by values of BMD of the total femur metaphyseal and diaphyseal subregions. The 4 doses of oleuropein reduced bone loss and improved inflammatory biomarkers excepted for 5mg/kg BW.
Every dose of oleuropein elicited protective effects on bone mass in this model of ovariectomy associated with inflammation, probably by modulating inflammatory parameters.

Puel C, Mathey J, Agalias A, Kati-Coulibaly S…
Clin Nutr Oct 2006
PMID: 16740345

Olive Oil and Oleuropein in Rats


Olive oil and its main phenolic micronutrient (oleuropein) prevent inflammation-induced bone loss in the ovariectomised rat.

The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of olive oil and its main polyphenol (oleuropein) in ovariectomised rats with or without inflammation. Rats (6 months old) were ovariectomised or sham-operated as control. Ovariectomised rats were separated into three groups receiving different diets for 3 months: a control diet with 25 g peanut oil and 25 g rapeseed oil/kg (OVX), the control diet with 50 g olive oil/kg or the control diet with 0.15 g oleuropein/kg. The sham-operated group was given the same control diet as OVX. Inflammation was induced 3 weeks before the end of the experiment by subcutaneous injections of talc (magnesium silicate) in one-half of each group. The success of ovariectomy was verified at necropsy by the atrophy of uterine horns. Inflammation, oleuropein or olive oil intakes did not have any uterotrophic activity, as they had had no effect on uterus weight. The plasma concentration of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (an indicator of inflammation) was increased in OVX rats with inflammation. With regard to bone variables, osteopenia in OVX was exacerbated by inflammation, as shown by a decrease in metaphyseal and total femoral mineral density. Both oleuropein and olive oil prevented this bone loss in OVX rats with inflammation. At necropsy, oleuropein and olive oil consumption had had no effect on plasma osteocalcin concentrations (marker of bone formation) or on urinary deoxypyridinoline excretion (marker of bone resorption). In conclusion, oleuropein and olive-oil feeding can prevent inflammation-induced osteopenia in OVX rats.

Puel C, Quintin A, Agalias A, Mathey J…
Br. J. Nutr. Jul 2004
PMID: 15230995

Olive Oil and Lower Carbs In Greece


Energy intake and monounsaturated fat in relation to bone mineral density among women and men in Greece.

Several variables have been established as risk factors for osteoporosis: it is more common among women and the gender difference increases with age and with years since menopause. Estrogens, androgens, physical activity, and body mass index have been previously shown to be positively associated with bone mineral density and inversely with risk for fractures.
To assess the effect on bone mineral content of energy-generating nutrients, healthy men (n = 36) and women (n = 118) ages 25-69 years were interviewed among visitors and staff of the University of Athens Department of Medical Physics. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by single photon absorptiometry.
Demographic and lifestyle variables were not significantly related to BMD in this study, although the patterns were consistent with those previously reported by other investigators. Total energy intake, which also reflects energy expenditure through physical activity, was positively associated with BMD among both men (P = 0.003) and women (P = 0.04). After adjustment for nonnutritional variables and energy intake, monounsaturated fat, which in the Greek population is mostly derived from olive oil, was associated with BMD. The association was positive among both men (P = 0.01) and women (P = 0.03). There was evidence for an inverse association between carbohydrate intake and BMD, but the association was significant only with respect to mono- and disaccharides.
In this population, consumption of monounsaturated fat and physical activity were predictive of bone mineral density, but larger studies are needed.

Trichopoulou A, Georgiou E, Bassiakos Y, Lipworth L…
Prev Med
PMID: 9144765

Review: Phytonutrients


Phytonutrients for bone health during ageing.

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and bone quality that predispose an individual to an increased risk of fragility fractures. Evidence demonstrating a positive link between certain dietary patterns (e.g. Mediterranean diet or high consumption of fruits and vegetables) and bone health highlights an opportunity to investigate their potential to protect against the deterioration of bone tissue during ageing. While the list of these phytonutrients is extensive, this review summarizes evidence on some which are commonly consumed and have gained increasing attention over recent years, including lycopene and various polyphenols (e.g. polyphenols from tea, grape seed, citrus fruit, olive and dried plum). Evidence to define a clear link between these phytonutrients and bone health is currently insufficient to generate precise dietary recommendations, owing to mixed findings or a scarcity in clinical data. Moreover, their consumption typically occurs within the context of a diet consisting of a mix of phytonutrients and other nutrients rather than in isolation. Future clinical trials that can apply a robust set of outcome measurements, including the determinants of bone strength, such as bone quantity (i.e. bone mineral density) and bone quality (i.e. bone turnover and bone microarchitecture), will help to provide a more comprehensive outlook on how bone responds to these various phytonutrients. Moreover, future trials that combine these phytonutrients with established bone nutrients (i.e. calcium and vitamin D) are needed to determine whether combined strategies can produce more robust effects on skeletal health.

Sacco SM, Horcajada MN, Offord E
Br J Clin Pharmacol Mar 2013
PMID: 23384080

Review: Fruits and Phytochemicals


Fruits and dietary phytochemicals in bone protection.

Osteoporosis is a disease of bone characterized by loss of bone matrix and deterioration of bone microstructure that leads to an increased risk of fracture. Cross-sectional studies have shown a positive association between higher fruit intake and higher bone mineral density. In this review, we evaluated animal and cellular studies of dried plum and citrus and berry fruits and bioactive compounds including lycopene, phenolics, favonoids, resveratrol, phloridzin, and pectin derived from tomato, grapes, apples, and citrus fruits. In addition, human studies of dried plum and lycopene were reviewed. Animal studies strongly suggest that commonly consumed antioxidant-rich fruits have a pronounced effect on bone, as shown by higher bone mass, trabecular bone volume, number, and thickness, and lower trabecular separation through enhancing bone formation and suppressing bone resorption, resulting in greater bone strength. Such osteoprotective effects seem to be mediated via antioxidant or anti-inflammatory pathways and their downstream signaling mechanisms, leading to osteoblast mineralization and osteoclast inactivation. In future studies, randomized controlled trials are warranted to extend the bone-protective activity of fruits and their bioactive compounds. Mechanistic studies are needed to differentiate the roles of phytochemicals and other constitutes in bone protection offered by the fruits. Advanced imaging technology will determine the effective doses of phytochemicals and their metabolites in improving bone mass, microarchitecture integrity, and bone strength, which is a critical step in translating the benefits of fruit consumption on osteoporosis into clinical data.

Shen CL, von Bergen V, Chyu MC, Jenkins MR…
Nutr Res Dec 2012
PMID: 23244535