Monthly Archives: June 2014

Vitamin D May Balance PTH to Improve Bone Density


Impaired bone mineralization accompanied by low vitamin D and secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with femoral neck fracture.

Although it is well established that a decrease in bone mass increases the risk of osteoporotic fractures, the proportion of fractures attributable to areal bone mineral density (BMD) is rather low. Here, we have identified bone mineralization defects together with low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-(OH) D) levels as additional factors associated with femoral neck fractures.
Osteoporotic fractures of the femoral neck are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Although it is well established that a decrease in bone mass increases the risk of osteoporotic fractures, the proportion of fractures attributable to areal BMD is rather low. To identify possible additional factors influencing femur neck fragility, we analyzed patients with femoral neck fracture.
We performed a detailed clinical and histomorphometrical evaluation on 103 patients with femoral neck fracture including dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, laboratory parameters, and histomorphometric and bone mineral density distribution (BMDD) analyses of undecalcified processed biopsies of the femoral head and set them in direct comparison to skeletal healthy control individuals.
Patients with femoral neck fracture displayed significantly lower serum 25-(OH) D levels and increased serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) compared to controls. Histomorphometric analysis revealed not only a decreased bone volume and trabecular thickness in the biopsies of the patients, but also a significant increase of osteoid indices. BMDD analysis showed increased heterogeneity of mineralization in patients with femoral neck fracture. Moreover, patients with femoral neck fracture and serum 25-(OH) D levels below 12 μg/l displayed significantly thinner trabecular bone.
Taken together, our data suggest that impaired bone mineralization accompanied by low serum 25-(OH) D levels is of major importance in the etiology of femoral neck fractures. Therefore, balancing serum 25-(OH) D levels and thereby normalizing PTH serum levels may counteract pronounced mineralization defects and might decrease the incidence of femoral neck fractures.

Seitz S, Koehne T, Ries C, De Novo Oliveira A…
Osteoporos Int Feb 2013
PMID: 22581296

Blueberry May Prevent Collagen and Bone Loss in Rat Cells


Blueberry consumption prevents loss of collagen in bone matrix and inhibits senescence pathways in osteoblastic cells.

Ovariectomy (OVX)-induced bone loss has been linked to increased bone turnover and higher bone matrix collagen degradation as the result of osteoclast activation. However, the role of degraded collagen matrix in the fate of resident bone-forming cells is unclear. In this report, we show that OVX-induced bone loss is associated with profound decreases in collagen 1 and Sirt1. This was accompanied by increases in expression and activity of the senescence marker collagenase and expression of p16/p21 in bone. Feeding a diet supplemented with blueberries (BB) to pre-pubertal rats throughout development or only prior to puberty [postnatal day 21 (PND21) to PND34] prevents OVX-induced effects on expression of these molecules at PND68. In order to provide more evidence and gain a better understanding on the association between bone collagen matrix and resident bone cell fate, in vitro studies on the cellular senescence pathway using primary calvarial cells and three cell lines (ST2 cells, OB6, and MLO-Y4) were conducted. We found that senescence was inhibited by collagen in a dose-response manner. Treatment of cells with serum from OVX rats accelerated osteoblastic cell senescence pathways, but serum from BB-fed OVX rats had no effect. In the presence of low collagen or treatment with OVX rat serum, ST2 cells exhibited higher potential to differentiate into adipocytes. Finally, we demonstrated that bone cell senescence is associated with decreased Sirt1 expression and activated p53, p16, and p21. These results suggest that (1) a significant prevention of OVX-induced bone cell senescence from adult rats can occur after only 14 days consumption of a BB-containing diet immediately prior to puberty, and (2) the molecular mechanisms underlying this effect involves, at least in part, prevention of collagen degradation.

Zhang J, Lazarenko OP, Blackburn ML, Badger TM…
Age (Dordr) Jun 2013
PMID: 22555620

Review: Incretins May Stimulate Osteoblasts and Suppress Osteoclasts


[Incretin and bone].

Gastrointestinal hormones including gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP) -1 are incretin, which are secreted immediately after meal ingestion and stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells. Characterization of extra-pancreatic GIP and GLP-1 receptors has revealed that these hormones regulate bone turnover. GIP intermittently stimulates osteoblasts and GLP-1 suppresses osteoclasts through a calcitonin-dependent pathway to increase the bone volume.

Yamada Y
Clin Calcium Sep 2009
PMID: 19721203

Review: Incretins and Bone


Incretins and bone: evolving concepts in nutrient-dependent regulation of bone turnover.

Postprandial variation of bone turnover markers and the closed relationship between bone remodeling and nutrient supply has been extensively studied in the past few years, but the underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms remain largely unknown. Recent studies have shown that the acute regulation of bone turnover induced by feeding is probably mediated by gastrointestinal (GI) peptides. The greater response of bone remodeling during oral versus intravenous glucose administration and the inhibition of this response after administration of octreotide, that inhibits the release of GI peptides, further support the existence of a gutbone axis. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide and glucagon-like peptides-1 and -2 are released from K and L cells of the gastrointestinal tract, respectively, and are considered the main mediators of the postprandial response of bone turnover. In this review we outline the most recent evidence that demonstrates the role of incretins in nutrient-dependent regulation of bone metabolism. Further elucidation of the underlying mechanisms can be exploited therapeutically in the future.

Yavropoulou MP, Yovos JG
Hormones (Athens)
PMID: 23933690 | Free Full Text

Vitamin K2 (MK-4) + D + Calcium Reduces Lifetime Probability of Fracture by 25%


Vitamin K supplementation for the primary prevention of osteoporotic fractures: is it cost-effective and is future research warranted?

Lifetime supplementation with vitamin K, vitamin D(3), and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women. It would be a cost-effective intervention at commonly used thresholds, but high uncertainty around the cost-effectiveness estimates persists. Further research on the effect of vitamin K on fractures is warranted.
Vitamin K might have a role in the primary prevention of fractures, but uncertainties about its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness persist.
We developed a state-transition probabilistic microsimulation model to quantify the cost-effectiveness of various interventions to prevent fractures in 50-year-old postmenopausal women without osteoporosis. We compared no supplementation, vitamin D(3) (800 IU/day) with calcium (1,200 mg/day), and vitamin K(2) (45 mg/day) with vitamin D(3) and calcium (at the same doses). An additional analysis explored replacing vitamin K(2) with vitamin K(1) (5 mg/day).
Adding vitamin K(2) to vitamin D(3) with calcium reduced the lifetime probability of at least one fracture by 25%, increased discounted survival by 0.7 quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) (95% credible interval (CrI) 0.2; 1.3) and discounted costs by $8,956, yielding an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of $12,268/QALY. At a $50,000/QALY threshold, the probability of cost-effectiveness was 95% and the population expected value of perfect information (EVPI) was $28.9 billion. Adding vitamin K(1) to vitamin D and calcium reduced the lifetime probability of at least one fracture by 20%, increased discounted survival by 0.4 QALYs (95% CrI -1.9; 1.4) and discounted costs by $4,014, yielding an ICER of $9,557/QALY. At a $50,000/QALY threshold, the probability of cost-effectiveness was 80% while the EVPI was $414.9 billion. The efficacy of vitamin K was the most important parameter in sensitivity analyses.
Lifetime supplementation with vitamin K, vitamin D(3), and calcium is likely to reduce fractures and increase survival in postmenopausal women. Given high uncertainty around the cost-effectiveness estimates, further research on the efficacy of vitamin K on fractures is warranted.

Gajic-Veljanoski O, Bayoumi AM, Tomlinson G, Khan K…
Osteoporos Int Nov 2012
PMID: 22398856

Bisphosphonates Showed the Smallest Increase In Fracture Rate Over 10 Years


Ten-year fracture risk in the assessment of osteoporosis management efficacy in postmenopausal women: a pilot study.

The aim of the reported longitudinal, retrospective pilot study was to establish changes in 10-year fracture risk in postmenopausal women with respect to applied fracture management.
A group of 191 postmenopausal women with a mean age of 68.76± 6.72 years was divided into subgroups. The subgroups were made up of untreated patients (n = 41), patients treated with vitamin D plus calcium (n = 46), and patients treated with bisphosphonates, vitamin D and calcium (n = 104). Repeated densitometric measurements and clinical data were taken into consideration (both baseline and follow-up). Ten-year fracture risk was established, using FRAX(TM) and Garvan nomograms. The mean follow-up period was 2.01±1.87 years.
Generally, the mean fracture probability increased in the studied women over the observation period. Patients on bisphosphonate therapy demonstrated the smallest increase in fracture probability. The probability rate for either any fractures or hip fractures decreased when the T-score increased. A diminished number of falls non-significantly decreased the probability for hip fractures and any fractures.
Ten-year fracture risk increased irrespective of applied management, while a decreased risk was observed only in women with improved bone status.

Pluskiewicz W, Drozdzowska B, Adamczyk P
Climacteric Feb 2013
PMID: 22335356

Melatonin Implants Influence Bone Repair in Rabbits


Melatonin promotes angiogenesis during repair of bone defects: a radiological and histomorphometric study in rabbit tibiae.

The pineal gland hormone, melatonin, is an immunomodulator and neuroendocrine hormone; it also stimulates monocyte, cytokine and fibroblast proliferations, which influence angiogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of melatonin on angiogenesis during bone defect repair by means of radiological and histomorphometric evaluations of bone response to melatonin implants.
Twenty New Zealand rabbits weighing 3,900-4,500 g were used. Twenty melatonin implants were inserted in the proximal metaphyseal area of the animals’ right tibia and 20 control areas were located in the left proximal metaphyseal area. Following implantation, the animals were sacrificed in groups of five, after 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, respectively. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs were taken, and radiographic thermal imaging analysis was performed for all groups at different time stages following implant insertion. Samples were sectioned at 5 μm and stained using Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson’s trichrome, supplementing radiographic findings with histomorphometric analysis.
After 4 weeks, radiological images showed complete repair of the bone defects. No healed or residual bone alterations attributable to the presence of the melatonin implant were observed. Histomorphometric analysis at 4 weeks showed the presence of a higher density newly formed bone. There were statistically significant differences in the length of cortical formation between the melatonin group and the control group during the first weeks of the study; there were also statistically significant differences in the number of vessels observed in the melatonin groups at the first two study stages.
Melatonin may have potential beneficial effects on bone defect repair.

Ramírez-Fernández MP, Calvo-Guirado JL, de-Val JE, Delgado-Ruiz RA…
Clin Oral Investig Jan 2013
PMID: 22323056

Genistein + EPA + DHA + Vitamin D + K1 Increases Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women


Effect of a combination of genistein, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins D3 and K1 on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study.

Many postmenopausal women desire non-pharmaceutical alternatives to hormone therapy for protection against osteoporosis. Soybean isoflavones, especially genistein, are being studied for this purpose. This study examined the effects of synthetic genistein in combination with other potential bone-protective dietary molecules on bone mineral density (BMD) in early postmenopausal women.
In this 6-month double-blind pilot study, 70 subjects were randomized to receive daily either calcium only or the geniVida™ bone blend (GBB), which consisted of genistein (30 mg/days), vitamin D3 (800 IU/days), vitamin K1 (150 μg/days) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (1 g polyunsaturated fatty acids as ethyl ester: eicosapentaenoic acid/docosahexaenoic acid ratio = ~2/1). Markers of bone resorption and formation and BMD at the femoral neck, lumbar spine, Ward’s triangle, trochanter and intertrochanter, total hip and whole body were assessed.
Subjects supplemented with the GBB (n = 30) maintained femoral neck BMD, whereas in the placebo group (n = 28), BMD significantly decreased (p = 0.007). There was also a significant difference (p < 0.05) in BMD between the groups at Ward’s triangle in favor of the GBB group. Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and N-telopeptide significantly increased in the GBB group in comparison with those in baseline and in the placebo group. The GBB was well tolerated, and there were no significant differences in adverse events between groups.
The GBB may help to prevent osteoporosis and reduce fracture risk, at least at the hip, in postmenopausal women. Larger and longer-term clinical trials are warranted.

Lappe J, Kunz I, Bendik I, Prudence K…
Eur J Nutr Feb 2013
PMID: 22302614 | Free Full Text

Vitamin D Level Influences Bone Density in Saudi Men and Women


Influence of vitamin D levels on bone mineral density and osteoporosis.

The effects of vitamin D on bone mass remain to be understood. This study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the influence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels on bone mineral density (BMD) among Saudi nationals.
Cross-sectional study carried out at university hospital from 1 February 2008 to 31 May 2008.
Healthy Saudi men and women in the peak bone mass (PBM) age group and those aged ≥ 50 years were recruited from the outpatient department of King Fahd University Hospital, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, between February 1, 2008, and May 31, 2008. Patient age and sex were documented, and body mass index was calculated. Hematological, biochemical, and serum 25OHD tests were performed. BMD was determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry of the upper femur and lumbar spine. Patients were divided into three groups, based on their 25OHD level.
Data from 400 patients were analyzed. Among individuals with a normal 25OHD level, 50% of women and 7% of men in the PBM age group and 26.4% of women and 49.2% of men aged ≥ 50 years had low bone mass. In patients with 25OHD insufficiency, 84.2% of women and 88.9% of men in the PBM age group and 83.3% of women and 80% of men aged ≥ 50 years had low bone mass. Results for patients with 25OHD deficiency revealed that none of the men and women in the PBM age group or ≥ 50 years old had normal BMD. Significant positive correlations between 25OHD level and BMD and significant negative correlations with parathyroid hormone were shown in most of the groups.
This study showed that the vitamin D level significantly influences BMD reading among Saudi individuals. Evaluation and treatment of hypovitaminosis D should be considered during management of low bone mass.

Sadat-Ali M, Al Elq AH, Al-Turki HA, Al-Mulhim FA…
Ann Saudi Med
PMID: 22048506 | Free Full Text

Bread Crust Does Not Negatively Affect Calcium in Rats


Effects of dietary bread crust Maillard reaction products on calcium and bone metabolism in rats.

Maillard reaction products (MRP) consumption has been related with the development of bone degenerative disorders, probably linked to changes in calcium metabolism. We aimed to investigate the effects of MRP intake from bread crust on calcium balance and its distribution, and bone metabolism. During 88 days, rats were fed control diet or diets containing bread crust as source of MRP, or its soluble high molecular weight, soluble low molecular weight or insoluble fractions (bread crust, HMW, LMW and insoluble diets, respectively). In the final week, a calcium balance was performed, then animals were sacrified and some organs removed to analyse calcium levels. A second balance was carried out throughout the experimental period to calculate global calcium retention. Biochemical parameters and bone metabolism markers were measured in serum or urine. Global calcium bioavailability was unmodified by consumption of bread crust or its isolate fractions, corroborating the previously described low affinity of MRP to bind calcium. Despite this, a higher calcium concentration was found in femur due to smaller bones having a lower relative density. The isolate consumption of the fractions altered some bone markers, reflecting a situation of increased bone resorption or higher turnover; this did not take place in the animals fed the bread crust diet. Thus, the bread crust intake does not affect negatively calcium bioavailability and bone metabolism.

Roncero-Ramos I, Delgado-Andrade C, Haro A, Ruiz-Roca B…
Amino Acids Jun 2013
PMID: 22109787